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Hi, I am Paweł Czarnecki

I am Frontend Web Dev

Box Shadow Generator

Languages and tools used to create this project:

Customizable Background

Languages and tools used to create this project:

React Movies App

Languages and tools used to create this project:

Shopping Cart

Languages and tools used to create this project:

Theme Switchers

Languages and tools used to create this project:

Video Player

Languages and tools used to create this project:


Languages and tools used to create this project:

Color Generator

Languages and tools used to create this project:

Weather App

Languages and tools used to create this project:

React Shopping Site

Languages and tools used to create this project:

Music Player

Languages and tools used to create this project:

DaVinci Resolve
Adobe Photoshop
Who Am I

My name is Paweł Czarnecki, and I am Frontend Web Developer

Where did I learn

Although I started learning Web Development along with Computer Science in school while obtaining title of IT Technician, most of my skills are self taught. I learned by spending a lot of my free time taking courses on CodeCademy, freeCodeCamp, w3schools, theOdinProject etc. and watching countless hours of YouTube courses.

What tools do I use in my Projects

In most of my projects I use HTML, SCSS and Vanilla JavaScript but in few cases I also used React.js

What am I up to right now

Not so long ago I learned TypeScript and currently I am learning Next.js

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